
TGS AU Partners Accounting and Tax Presentation to the Delegation of the University Technology of Sydney in Jakarta

On Wednesday 28 September 2022, TGS AU Partners was invited to be a speaker in one of the programs where every year International Internships collaborates with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), namely the UTS BAcc Asia Leadership Intensive

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TGS AU Partners Branch Office in Malang City, East Java

In this year's era, cooperation and collaboration is one way that can be done to encourage the achievement of goals more quickly and efficiently. Cooperation or collaboration is carried out as an effort to develop productivity between employees and organizations, obtain new ideas, and bring individuals or organizations together in a supportive atmosphere systematically to solve a problem that cannot be easily done by a group alone.

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Investment Entities : Exceptions to Consolidated According to the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 65

Consolidated Financial Statements are financial statements that present financial information belonging to the parent and several subsidiaries as if they were one entity. The purpose of the preparation of the report is to provide an overall, objective picture of the financial position and activities of a group of business entities. The preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements is regulated in a separate PSAK, namely PSAK 65 “Consolidated Financial Statements”.

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